Beurer Antelope Corefit I,  Effective abdominal EMS training of the central and lateral abdominal muscles, Electrodes: 2x fro
Beurer Antelope Corefit I,  Effective abdominal EMS training of the central and lateral abdominal muscles, Electrodes: 2x fro
Beurer Antelope Corefit I,  Effective abdominal EMS training of the central and lateral abdominal muscles, Electrodes: 2x fro
Beurer Antelope Corefit I,  Effective abdominal EMS training of the central and lateral abdominal muscles, Electrodes: 2x fro
Beurer Antelope Corefit I,  Effective abdominal EMS training of the central and lateral abdominal muscles, Electrodes: 2x fro
Beurer Antelope Corefit I,  Effective abdominal EMS training of the central and lateral abdominal muscles, Electrodes: 2x fro
Beurer Antelope Corefit I,  Effective abdominal EMS training of the central and lateral abdominal muscles, Electrodes: 2x fro
Beurer Antelope Corefit I,  Effective abdominal EMS training of the central and lateral abdominal muscles, Electrodes: 2x fro
Beurer Antelope Corefit I,  Effective abdominal EMS training of the central and lateral abdominal muscles, Electrodes: 2x fro
Beurer Antelope Corefit I,  Effective abdominal EMS training of the central and lateral abdominal muscles, Electrodes: 2x fro
Beurer Antelope Corefit I,  Effective abdominal EMS training of the central and lateral abdominal muscles, Electrodes: 2x fro
Beurer Antelope Corefit I,  Effective abdominal EMS training of the central and lateral abdominal muscles, Electrodes: 2x fro

Beurer Antelope Corefit I, Effective abdominal EMS training of the central and lateral abdominal muscles Electrodes: 2x frontal

в наличност
139,00 лв.
С вкл. ДДС
2 in 1 EMS belt for core abdominal muscles and lower back muscles
Beurer Antelope Corefit I е страхотен масажор, който ви осигурява ефективна тренировка на коремните мускули, така че да подобрите физическата и естетическа форма на корема си. Освен това той ви помага да се възстановите по-бързо и лесно след физическа тренировка. Този масажор разполага с 4 контактни електрода (2x предни и 2x странични коремни мускули), които не се износват. Освен това той е подходящ за употреба от хора с обиколка на кръста от 70 до цели 140 см. Beurer Antelope Corefit I ви предлага 9 тренировъчни програми (20 - 30 мин.) с регулируема интензивност, а ергономичната му форма ви гарантира максимално удобство при носене.
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